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The Rhythm Game👣Foundation 🧠 beginner level
Welcome 🤗 to the School of ☀ Rhythms ☽
who I am ? ( subtitled in 10 languages ) - (1:12)
Back 2 the Roots ( subtitled in 10 languages )- (2:16)
12 reasons and 12 skills ( subtitled in 10 languages )- (0:51)
The Rhythm of the Course ❤️ ( rhythm is everywhere ).
The power of one drop 💧- ( all introductions subtitled in 10 languages ) (2:54)
2 meters and 3 metaphors - (1:14)
Exercises backing tracks - (2:24)
Instruments - (1:59)
Exercise instructions - 3 rules ❗️❗️❗️- (2:54)
Soundtracks for self practice 👣
walking👣 60 🎶 soundtrack for exercises 👣
walking👣100 🎶soundtrack for exercises 👣
Step 1 - Rock'n'Walk 👣
Rocking - 2/4 meter - (2:48)
Exercise 1 - (2:50)
Introduction to 4/4 meter - (0:28)
Exercise 2 - (2:51)
Walking - 4/4 meter - (2:06)
Exercise 3 - (2:57)
👏 Clapping the downbeats - (1:14)
Exercise 4 👏 in 2/4 - (2:52)
Exercise 5 👏 in 4/4 - (2:52)
Bars - cycles - phrasing 🕑 in the Game - (1:07)
Exercise 6 - (2:52)
Step 2 - Hands'n'Feet ( smart rhythmic moves ) 🤹♂️
Introducing 4 Rhythmic Bricks 🧱 and mini improvisation - (2:46)
Exercise 7 ✋🤚- (2:50)
Exercise 8 - 4 🧱 RL LR RR LL ✋🤚- (2:51)
Exercise 9 - mini improvisation - (2:54)
Exercise 10 - mini improvisation - (2:59)
Step 3 - Dun'n'Tha 🎨 ( sounds as colors )
4 Rhythmic Bricks 🧱Dun Dun 🧱Tha Tha 🧱Dun Tha 🧱Tha Dun - School of Rhythms learning sequence - (3:38)
Exercise 11 - 4 🧱 movement-vocal technique - (2:50)
Exercise 12 - 4 🧱 vocal-instrumental technique - (2:55)
Exercise 13 - 4 🧱 instrumental technique - (2:56)
Exercise 14 - mini improvisation - vocal - (2:58)
Exercise 15 - mini improvisation - vocal-instrumental - (2:57)
Exercise 16 - mini improvisation - instrumental - (2:54)
Step 4 - Sound and silence ☀️ 🌒
4 Rhythmic Bricks 🧱✗✗🧱〇〇🧱✗〇🧱〇✗ (2:27)
Exercise 17 - 2 sounds ✗✗- 2/4 meter- (2:52)
Exercise 18 - 2 silences 〇〇- 2/4 meter- (2:52)
Exercise 19 - sound and silence ✗〇- 2/4 meter- (2:53)
Exercise 20 - silence and sound 〇✗ - 2/4 meter - (2:54)
Exercise 21 - 4 🧱together- (2:51)
Mini Improvisation - why do I repeat the rhythm ? (0:53)
Exercise 22 - mini improvisation 4 🧱 with rhythm repetition - 2/4 - (2:56)
Exercise 23 - mini improvisation 4 🧱 - without rhythm repetition - 2/4 - (3:31)
4 building 🧱bricks on the way - 16 possibilities to arrange a bar in 4/4 meter - (1:50)
Exercise 24 - 4 bricks on the way - flow ✗✗ ebb ✗✗-〇〇-✗〇-〇✗ in 4/4 - (2:53)
Exercise 25 - 4 bricks on the way - flow 〇〇 ebb ✗✗-〇〇-✗〇-〇✗ in 4/4 - (2:53)
Exercise 26 - 4 bricks on the way - flow ✗〇 ebb ✗✗-〇〇-✗〇-〇✗ in 4/4 - (2:54)
Exercise 27 - 4 bricks on the way - flow 〇✗ ebb ✗✗-〇〇-✗〇-〇✗ in 4/4 - (2:51)
Mini Improvisation on the way - (1:00)
Exercise 28 - mini improvisation 4🧱 with rhythm repetition - 4/4- (2:51)
Exercise 29 - (2:56)
Exercise 30 - mini improvisation 4 🧱 - without rhythm repetition - 4/4 - (2:54)
Exercise 31 - (2:53)
Step 5 - More sounds 🔊 or more silence 🔇
3 ways to approach rhythm - (2:56)
Exercise 32 - sounds flow wit the pulsation - (2:52)
Exercise 33 - more sound and journey of silence - (2:54)
Balance - (1:24)
Exercise 34 - moving sound from 1st to 3rd and form 2nd to 4th step - (2:52)
Exercise 35 - journey of 2 sounds - (2:52)
Exercise 36 - journey of 2 sounds in different key - (2:53)
More silence - (0:50)
Exercise 37 - journey of 1 sound - (2:54)
Exercise 38 - in two bars - the unchanging question and changing answers - (2:54)
Stage 6 - Little Improvisation 🤹♂️
🗝️ 2 keys for improvisation - (2:20)
Exercise 39 - going down - 4-3-2-1 (2:55)
Exercise 40 - going up - 1-2-3-4 (2:55)
Exercise 41 - 2 bars arrangement - consolidating rhythms - (2:15)
Exercise 42 - (2:56)
Exercise 43 - 2 bars arrangement - shifting rhythms - (2:52)
Exercise 44 - (2:54)
Bonus - Rhythms 🌎
Ex 45 - Rock Rhythm - loose rhythm - 👏 (1:54)
Ex 46 - Rock Rhythm - loose rhythm - 👋⇢👏⇢🗣️⇢🥁 (1:55)
Ex 47 - Rock Rhythm in 2 bars - 👋⇢👏⇢🗣️⇢🥁 (1:55)
Ex 48 - Rock Rhythm "squeezed" into 4 steps ( in eight notes ) - 👋⇢👏⇢🗣️⇢🥁 (0:51)
Ex 49 Rock Rhythm "squeezed" into 4 steps ( in eight notes ) - 👋⇢👏⇢🗣️⇢🥁 (0:31)
Ex 50 - Hip Hop Rhythm - loose rhythm - 👏 (1:55)
Ex 51 - Hip Hop Rhythm Plena - loose rhythm - 👋⇢👏⇢🗣️⇢🥁 (1:55)
Ex 52 - African Rhythm Plena - loose rhythm - 👏 (1:57)
Ex 53 - African Rhythm Plena - loose rhythm - 👋⇢👏⇢🗣️⇢🥁 (1:57)
Ex 54 - Arabic Rhythm - loose rhythm - 👏 (1:56)
Ex 55 - Arabic Rhythm - loose rhythm - 👋⇢👏⇢🗣️⇢🥁 (1:59)
See you in Challenge - :) (0:10)
Bonus listen & repeat "Dun and Tha" 🎨 in 4/4 👂🏻
Ex 1 Dun Tha + (2:54)
Ex 2 Tha Dun + (2:54)
Ex 3 Dun Dun + (2:55)
Ex 4 Tha Tha + (2:55)
Ex 5 Improvisation (2:54)
Bonus - Smart Moves - hands&legs coordination 🧠
Ex 1 easy Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination RL + RR LL RL LR in 4/4 (2:52)
Ex 1 Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination RL + RR LL RL LR in 4/4 (2:51)
Ex 2 easy Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination LR + RR LL RL LR in 4/4 (2:51)
Ex 2 Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination LR + RR LL RL LR in 4/4 (2:51)
Ex 3 easy Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination RR + RR LL RL LR in 4/4 (2:50)
Ex 3 Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination RR + RR LL RL LR in 4/4 (2:52)
Ex 4 Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination LL + RR LL RL LR in 4/4 (2:51)
Ex 4 easy Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination LL + RR LL RL LR in 4/4 (2:53)
Ex 5 Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination improvisation in 4/4 (2:52)
Ex 5 easy Smart Moves - hand-leg coordination improvisation in 4/4 (2:52)
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Exercise 31 -
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